Inspiration is everywhere...

The first task for our Research Methodologies module was to take any image, write a 5 keywords and a 50 word paragraph as to why you have picked that image and it will influences our creative practice:

Burns, R. (2017) Lichen on Rocks, Port Charlotte. (Own collection)

Burns, R. (2017) Lichen on Rocks, Port Charlotte. (Own collection)

Keywords: lichen, coastline, Scotland, metamorphic rock, symbiotic relationships

This photo of bright yellow lichen was taken on the rugged Islay coastline, where I was surprised to find such bright colour adorning rocks. I am interested in finding colour and pattern in unexpected places and would like to investigate recreate this effect in my textile practice.

I discovered, after taking this photograph, that lichen can be used as a natural dye. As this is the focus for my current research and studio practice, I found it fitting that I was drawn to this organism in particular. If only I had taken a sample to use in my dye experiments - I shall have to go foraging on the beach!



  • Burns, R. (2017) Lichen on Rocks, Port Charlotte. (Own collection)

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