Ria Burns Knitwear

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Machine Knitting with Somerset Art Works at Bovey Tracey Craft Festival 2019

Machine knitting in public was a first for me! I had a great time showing visitors to Bovey Tracey Craft Festival how knitting machines work and talking about my naturally dyed local wool yarns. I was part of the demonstration schedule for Somerset Art Works, of which I am now an Emerging Artist Member.

Despite the bad weather at the start of the day, I had many inquisitive visitors. I had a lot of people ask 'what's that?' and they couldn't believe it was a knitting machine. It was fun to explain the mechanics and then see the amazement on their faces when I knitted 150 stitches in a few seconds.

I also had a few 'I used to have one of those' or 'I'm sure I have a machine in the loft', I'm hoping after seeing mine in action they feel motivated to pick up the craft again.

Whether you're a complete newbie or need a refresher, my beginner's machine knitting workshops are a great place to start. In a day you'll learn all the basics of machine knitting and then make a scarf or cushion cover at the end of the day using all the skills you've learnt.